Monday, August 10, 2009

Sailing through Summer

I went on a mini shopping spree yesterday. There is the chicest little boutique down the street from me, I can spot it from my living room window. It's called "Ribbons". While my niece napped, my mom, sister and I went to all the little shops on Catalina and Elena Streets. My sis bought me a blue skirt (very similar to the ones they sell at AA), she also bought herself a sage green silk romper, it's so pretty, I will post a picture of her soon. I scored a pale blue seersucker romper and a red sailor striped scarf. Both are very light in color and lite to the touch. I will feel so nautical in them. Simple sailor & Nantucket-y at the same time. My real dream is to be a Jersey Shore girl, however I do not have the long nails, teased tresses and attitude. I know my Fiancee will say I have watched one to many 'Sopranos' episodes, and this is true.
I will keep my sailor style alive all summer and lets see what it may evolve into this Fall. I am in the search for white jeans, a navy 'V' neck sweater, and anything within the three primary colors.

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