Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Zombies and Chombie

I just thought of my Halloween, i was mentally roadblocked for the longest time and I couldn't think of anything or anyone to dress up as and then inspiration hits me, at work of all places. I usually cannot get passed the robotic, mundane, day to day, tasks, anyways!
Gato and I are sitting in the truck during our lunch and were messing with the radio, re programing all our stations (for reasons I will divulge in another day, or not) and "Dreaming of You" starts playing, I have not heard this song in 10 years and then Gato starts changing the station in the middle of the song and he hits a Spanish radio station and "Biddi Biddi Bom Bom" is playing, I go wild, I mean I loved Selena, we all did back in the day. I kept singing her songs through out the day (along with Yellow Submarine, which I am teaching Luna, she knows the chorus).
Earlier that day Gato came across the coolest online event at work, its a...get this...Zombie Prom 2009! How cool is that, I have been wanting to be a Zombie but not just any old Zombie.
So I am going to be Selena and a Zombie!!!
I think me dressing up as Selena Zombie will be awesome and all kinds of wrong!
Let's see how it turns out! I hope I have the time and most important I hope my sis can help me with the make up, most of the time my costumes are home made, which are the best. With a little imagination and a lot of liquid courage, I'm ready to start offending the world...dressed up as one Zombie at a time.

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